Thomas Alva Edison was the guest of the governor of North Carolina (USA) when the politician complimented him on his creative genius.
Edison : I am not a great inventor
Governor : But you have over a thousand patents to your credit
Edison : Yes, but about the only invention I can really claim as absolutely original is the phonograph.
Governor : I'm afraid I don"t understand what you mean
Edison : Well.. I guess I'm an awfull good sponge. I absorb ideas from every course I can, and put them to practical use. Then I improve them until they become of some value. The ideas which I use are mostly the ideas of other people who don't develop them themself.
This is all about teachability to expend the talent!
"Everything we know we learned from someone else"- John Wooden
Teachability Expand Your Talent
John C Maxwell
Beyond Talent
Good Sponge! - Thomas Alva Edison
Good Sponge! - Thomas Alva EdisonUnknown 6:58:00 PTG
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